Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Political Business Never Ends

You would think that with the mid-term elections over that the political industry would slow down a bit. Not so. In the last week, both Senator John McCain and former NYC Mayor Rudy Guiliani (I amended this post to provide this link to evangelical outpost where Joe Carter takes the position that Rudy Guilania is unelectable as a republican candidate)have officially formed exploratory committees to look at the possibility of running for president in 2008. Others will soon follow suit.

With the loss of both houses of congress by the republicans, there is a split among some as to which direction the republican party should move. Some, like Senator Arlen Specter, believe that the party should move more toward the left and pick up the "vital center" as he calls it. Others, like former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, argue that the party should become more conservative, not less. Gingrich is correct. The republican party must return to being the party of small government, not "big government conservativism." It needs to reinforce its position of protecting the unborn and defending traditional marriage. Unless leaders arise within the party who not only share these views with conservatives but will actually take action on these issues, the republican party will languish through several elections.

I have also discovered a new website in Tennessee called Volunteer Voters. This site is an aggregate of many other political blogs throughout the state.

Lastly, the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance is posting about Rene Gutteridge's new book, Scoop. You can read a review on the blog alliance website.

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